
Obs Pasta Kitchen Valentine

At Obs Pasta Kitchen we serve a bowl to the homeless and needy every Wednesday @ 4:30pm – 6:00pm.  Grateful that our pasta kitchen is a space where everyone can tap into what’s on their heart.  Celebrating love was our theme.  Our 2 youngest members of our volunteer family, made a beautiful poster to raise some Valentine’s Day love donations !

[content written by Dani Saporetti]

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Bike Run With A Purpose

IAHV sponsored the children of Barrydale Village for their annual Christmas Party. 250 children from our beautiful village of Barrydale were treated to a meal, cake, cool drink and chips. Net Vir Pret is a registered NPO situated in Smitsville, Barrydale and focus on the upliftment of children in the form of supervised homework each day, a meal for the children each day, art, pottery, dancing, yoga, singing and education into the Khoi culture and heritage.

Bikers with a Purpose have been supporting this project since its inception in 2021. The Net Vir Pret NPO survive on donations in order to feed and assist the children. It was a gift to put smiles on the face of 250 Children this morning and a huge “Thank You” to the donors for the party.

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Sri Sri Feeding Scheme – December 2022

Volunteers had prepared hot meals, packed and distributed to the Jughroo Primary and Northview Primary Schools and at the Overcomers in Christ church in KZN.

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Breath Water Sound in Laingsburg

A 4-day Breath Water Sound Workshop was conducted this week, 13-16 September 2022, with 10 staff members from the Laingsburg Municipality’s Technical Department.

It is evident, especially during this post-pandemic period, that people have been very stressed and are unaware that it is actually due to stress that they are experiencing depression, anxiety and violent tendencies. It was wonderful to observe that through the breathing techniques they were able to reduce the stress and gain clarity of mind to recognise negative tendencies.

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Bike Run With A Purpose – Tree Planting

Tree planting in Barrydale for the Bikers with a Purpose project.

Our planting team in the village planted 100 trees.

A BIG Thank YOU to all the volunteers and donors.

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Mandela Day Fundraiser 2022

This year’s Mandela Day Fundraiser was out of this world! With the donor’s love, support and generosity, 55 teenagers from James House Child & Youth Care Centre received gift packs & groceries and enjoyed a trip to the IZiko Planetarium, followed by a stroll through the Museum and lunch in the Company Gardens.

The trip to the Iziko Planetarium’s 360 degree Digital Dome (the most advanced digital planetarium on the African continent!) was so inspiring for this group of teenagers, who seldom have the opportunity to venture out of the township. They loved the immersive multi-sensory edutainment experience and as they prepare for matric and future careers, their minds have been opened to new possibilities.

James House have expressed their heartfelt gratitude to all involved and are grateful for the continuous support of donors and volunteers who make a difference to their underprivileged communities. The gift packs were also well-received with much appreciation and included a Yebo Fresh groceries combo pack, winter warmers (woollen beanie and hoodie) and hygiene Items (2 x sanitary pad packs, deodorant, body lotion, soap, bath sponge).

It was very special to once again spend time with James House and the kids in person, something we could not do for the past 2 years with the pandemic. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of this initiative and gifting the kids this amazing experience!

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Bikers with A Purpose fundraising event in Barrydale 28 May 2022

Our Bikers with A Purpose fundraising event in Barrydale held on 28 May 2022 was a huge success.

  • Over 200 pairs of shoes were handed over to the community.
  • 500kg of food from Ladles of Love was donated.
  • Books for the library Net vir Pret  -Aftercare and Youth centre group.
  • Clothing for our community, sweet treats and toys for our children.

We would like to say THANK YOU to our amazing bikers, donors, to all the volunteers, Pep Stores for assisting, and to the Karoo Daisy for hosting us!  Andre du Toit for being the most amazing positive and motivating master of ceremonies.

You can make a difference, be the change you would like to see in the world.

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KZN Flood relief update May 2022 (2)

  • We received the 1000 packets of Movite and 1200 x 5L water from Jhb. A huge thank you to Transcare for collecting and transportation.
  • A team of volunteers has started sorting out clothes.
  • We delivered hampers to the community of Wentworth. We were guided by an NGO called Women of Wentworth due to the ongoing violence in the area due to the socio/economic issues.
  • Hampers and food was delivered to parts of Welbeduct, Chatsworth and Pinetown by United Ways.
  • We delivered food, toys and kitchen utensils to a community hall in Kwandengezi which is in the valley of Dassenhoek. There are 180 people housed in this hall for the past month.
  • The community in Dassenhoek which is down a very steep valley and badly affected. We visited 1 of the 2 halls and the condition is very bad. 19 people are still missing since the first flooding. We will provide supplies to them and continue to monitor their progress.
  • In Savana Park we will drop off 100 hampers.
  • 100 destined for schools in Phoenix.
  • 70 hampers in buckets will be delivered to the community of Reit River in Ottowa.
  • 200 hampers in buckets will be delivered to Burnwood.
  • Beach clean-up is also taking place on Sunday from 7am at Blue Lagoon
  • Hampers delivered to severe flooded area in Riet River, Verulam KZN.

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United Technical Equipment Co. (Pty) Ltd. – Hamper Project in Gauteng

This project in Partnership with United Technical Equipment Co. (Pty) Ltd. (UTEC), Mr.Vernon Kistan the CEO of UTEC runs a Food Hamper Campaign every year.

1000 boxes of food hampers are packed and distributed to those in need.  UTEC distributes the food hampers to various Church groups, shelters and for the destitute in Lenasia, Eldorado Park, Soweto and many other surrounding areas.

Previously volunteers assisted in packaging of the hampers, but due to Covid 19 the packaging was outsourced.

The Ikageng Itireleng People’s Centre in Orlando West, Soweto, was one of the beneficiary to receive the food hampers.

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Thank you!! From hearts filled with joy and gratitude

On behalf of Ikageng, I would like to extend a heartfelt sincere, gratitude for your support and dedication to our cause, your support has not gone unnoticeable, we appreciate and value you! Thank you for always joining us in making a difference in the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children and youth.

I would like to acknowledge receipt of 200 food hampers on 13 November 2021. Your donation has impacted the lives of over 800 beneficiaries, every time we distribute a food parcel, we are filled with gratitude that we could be an instrument at a time like this, where we can extend HOPE to the hopeless, we say this from the hearts of our families and households, who struggle daily with food security.

Thank you so much to you and the team which made this donation possible. Please know that this could not have been possible without your generosity.

200 families or 800 vulnerable children, orphans, women, disabled, and elderly people have food on the table. Thank you so much!!


Yours sincerely,

Ellen Maseko, Acting Programme Manager, Ikageng Itireleng

Website: www.ikageng.org.za

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