On behalf of Ikageng, I would like to extend a heartfelt sincere, gratitude for your support and dedication to our cause, your support has not gone unnoticeable, we appreciate and value you! Thank you for always joining us in making a difference in the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children and youth.
I would like to acknowledge receipt of 200 food hampers on 13 November 2021. Your donation has impacted the lives of over 800 beneficiaries, every time we distribute a food parcel, we are filled with gratitude that we could be an instrument at a time like this, where we can extend HOPE to the hopeless, we say this from the hearts of our families and households, who struggle daily with food security.
Thank you so much to you and the team which made this donation possible. Please know that this could not have been possible without your generosity.
200 families or 800 vulnerable children, orphans, women, disabled, and elderly people have food on the table. Thank you so much!!
Yours sincerely,
Ellen Maseko, Acting Programme Manager, Ikageng Itireleng
Website: www.ikageng.org.za

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