Since the national lockdown, The Obs Pasta Kitchen has had to physically close its kitchen at St Michaels church hall due to government regulation but that did not stop us in serving our community. Collaboration with OBSID the Observatory Improvement District, CAN theCommunity Action Network and enthusiastic volunteers we have committed to providing a daily meal for the homeless of our Community by accessing all skills and permits available.
A total of
- 300 lunch packs
- 250 bowls of pasta
- 185 food parcels
- 2 Bulk Veg parcels
- 2 Bulk Fruit parcels
- 15 pots of soup
- 220 litres of water
has been served in this first week by our amazing volunteers.
We will continue to do our best to support the most vulnerable in our community at this critical time and ask for any support available.
EFT Donations: 🍝
Account holder: International Association for Human Values (IAHV)
Bank: First National Bank
Branch: 250737, Lenasia
Account: 62045616119
Reference: Obspasta + your name
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