
#Lockdown – The Obs Pasta Kitchen needs your support

Since the national lockdown, The Obs Pasta Kitchen has had to physically close its kitchen at St Michaels church hall due to government regulation but that did not stop us in serving our community. Collaboration with OBSID the Observatory Improvement District, CAN theCommunity Action Network and enthusiastic volunteers we have committed to providing a daily meal for the homeless of our Community by accessing all skills and permits available.

A total of

  • 300 lunch packs
  • 250 bowls of pasta
  • 185 food parcels
  • 2 Bulk Veg parcels
  • 2 Bulk Fruit parcels
  • 15 pots of soup
  • 220 litres of water

has been served in this first week by our amazing volunteers.

We will continue to do our best to support the most vulnerable in our community at this critical time and ask for any support available.

EFT Donations: 🍝
Account holder: International Association for Human Values (IAHV)
Bank: First National Bank
Branch: 250737, Lenasia
Account: 62045616119
Reference: Obspasta + your name


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Christmas Day Lunch for the homeless 2019

A very big THANK YOU to all our generous donors, sponsors and volunteers who made the Christmas Day Lunch for the homeless Landsdowne community such a huge success and heartwarming experience!! 

We are overwhelmed by the generosity, kindness and enthusiasm that made this event possible. Donations of food and hygiene items flowed in and we raised over R20 000 in cash. With these donations, we were able to provide 120 community members with a warm delicious meal of macaroni & sauce, cooldrink, cupcakes & treats, and also gift each person with a goodie bag filled with hygiene items and non-perishable foods. We had 75 volunteers on the day who braved the rain and came out to spread the Christmas love!

This years event was particularly special as it may be the last Christmas for this community in their informal homes as they face to be forcibly removed by the city this month. The community has been devastated and we couldn’t think of a better way to spend Christmas than to give to those less fortunate during this difficult time. Over the years we have developed a good relationship with this community…their leader Michael always comments on how our volunteers interact with so much sincerity and love – so thank you all for being part of this!

The event was featured in The Argus and eNuus which highlighted the community’s upcoming displacement:

Photos by Alice Bensi:

Photos by Anneliese Le-Brenton:

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Utec Xmas Project

While Christmas is usually a time for family and friends to get together and celebrate for various reasons, the underprivileged often do not have much reason to smile given their circumstances.

Think about those people living life on the streets, no income, no place to call home and no family to share this magical time with. Christmas is a time for giving and here’s a great chance to give to those who need it most. A Christmas hamper to bring such joy to their lives.  Each year our volunteers around the country undertake to make a difference through providing food hampers, toiletries, meals, and gifts.

On behalf of  The International Association for Human Values, (IAHV) in association with our sponsor United Technical Equipment Co Pty Ltd, over 1,000 hampers were distributed to the needy. Close to 5,000 people in need received food over the festive season through this worthy project.  Some of the beneficiaries of these hampers include orphans and vulnerable children, the elderly and communities that destitute and in need.

100 boxes were given to Ikageng who distributed the boxes to the most needy of the almost 2000 beneficiaries under their care.  Ikageng is an organization that takes care of the holistic needs of OVC or orphans and vulnerable children. This includes providing clothing, food, socio support, health support and education, etc.

The director, the social workers and the caregivers have indicated that the Xmas hampers have helped them in situations where the government food donations have not come through for beneficiaries. Last year a young girl wrote a letter saying that the food hampers saved her and her siblings after their house burned down and the people they were staying with did not have enough to feed the family.

Read the Thank You letter

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Awareness campaign: Hand in dangerous weapons and crime prevention.

Parolees from Sasolburg working with the SAPS in Zamdela – Awareness campaign: Hand in dangerous weapons and crime prevention.

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Christmas at the Tsholanang Community Development Centre

A Christmas Party was held for the mothers who selflessly prepare meals every school day for the orphan and vulnerable children at both Maropeng  and Bodubelo Primary Schools in Ga-Rankuwa.

These deserving mothers who receive no remuneration for their selfless work were showered with gifts which included a mini hi-fi set donated by Railway Furnishers. They also received a braai pack to take home to their families. Monies were collected particularly so that each of the mothers were given a substantial cash donation as a heartfelt thanks for their Service.

This project is dependent on donations and we look forward to individuals or corporates who wish to come on board. Just over one hundred orphan and vulnerable children are fed every school day at these two schools. This feeding scheme has been ongoing since 2011.

Project leader Jagdish Makan can be contacted on +27 82 55 00 595 for further information.

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Menstrual hygiene and health programme for adolescent girls

We had our first Menstrual hygiene and health programme for adolescent girls in South Africa at Sisanda Mzulu Primary school with grade 7 learners.
It runs over 3 days, approximately 2hours per day with girls who are pre-menstrual and those who already have their periods, so that the following is achieved:
  • Better understanding of their body and the changes that take place as they grow up.
  • Knowledge about menstruation and menstrual hygiene practices that would enable them to become more confident about the ‘woman’ they are and prepare them to handle the pressures from the changes in their bodies and surroundings.
  • Understand the importance of food and nutrition in growth and development.
  • Learn simple techniques (pranayama, mudra and asanas) on how to feel more at ease during  menstrual period.
Many of they girls had no one to ask about these things. The teachers were too busy in classes with large numbers. They really welcomed the project.
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Bottlebrush Little Angels Project

Well done to Project Leader, Prissy and volunteers from the Bottlebrush Little Angels Project in Unit ll Chatsworth, KZN. This project was initially started in 2013 and on-going with weekly sessions.

Pictures of the little Angel’s this last Saturday, after their weekly Breath Water Sound session, everyone received Spring Day treats, a cap, pen, notepad and a lunch bag.

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Breath Water Sound with PAPU

IAHV in partnership with People Against Poverty and Unemployment (PAPU).  A learning and development Centre that continues to empower young people in the Westbury, Johannesburg community.

The course was well received.

Feedback from Students:
The students were happy to have done the course and some were willing to even learn how to teach BWS in the future. This shows that there is a potential to do a Youth Leadership Training Program in the future.


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Youth Village Project distributed 100 pairs of school shoes

As part of #MandelaDay2019, The IAHV Youth Village Project distributed 100 pairs of school shoes to Primary and High school children who were in dire need of them.

To find out more about our initiatives in Soweto, please contact Youth Village (Soweto) Project Leader – Aneshree Naidoo

Youth Village Project distributed 100 pairs of school shoes

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Breath Water Sound session for Parolees, Probationers and Community members

Once again a life-changing Breath Water Sound session was held with 70 participants – The group consisted of Parolees, Probationers and Community members which took place in Evaton – South of Johannesburg (The Vaal )

The following organizers were also present:

  • Mr. Solomon Korae & Ms. Portia Samella from the Dept of Correctional
  • Services & Sgt Beverly from the Evaton SAPS.

The feedback from the participants was positive. They were  grateful to be part of this program and amazed at how calm and relaxed they felt.

To change their lives and community for the better, they have formed teams and are planning some fantastic sustainable businesses moving forward.

One group of ladies said they have 2 high schools and 4 primary schools which they want to teach and educate, in sanitary hygiene.

Other teams are planning :

  • catering
  • washing carpets, running shoes  and  windows
  • car – wash stands
  • collect recycling items
  • Sewing – One of the participant is a fashion designer and happy to have others join her

Thank you to Chintz & Gavin for giving us an opportunity to share this wonderful and rewarding experience. (Dan,Bharat, Dr. Mohan and Shushila)

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