
Back to School Stationery | The Youth Village Project

The Youth Village Project in Soweto headed by project leader Aneshree Naidoo together with the support from donors and IAHV secured school stationary packs for 60 Primary and High Schools children at the Thabisang, Mbuyisa and Mzamo Primary Schools, and the Phefeni, Matsike and Kwa- Nsikane High Schools in Soweto.

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Back to School | Bike Run with a Purpose

Our children in Barrydale were blessed by the International Association for Human Values yesterday with the gift of 200 stationary sets and 40 items of new school clothing.

This was distributed to BF Oostehuzen school, Barrydale High School, Weltevrede Primary, Lemoenshoek Primary, Akkerbooom and Vleiplaas schools. The Principals and children were overjoyed and grateful for their stationary.

Without these donations our children’s lives would be far more challenging.  We say Thank you for our wonderful donations.

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Sri Sri Feeding Scheme – December 2022

Volunteers had prepared hot meals, packed and distributed to the Jughroo Primary and Northview Primary Schools and at the Overcomers in Christ church in KZN.

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Breath Water Sound in Laingsburg

A 4-day Breath Water Sound Workshop was conducted this week, 13-16 September 2022, with 10 staff members from the Laingsburg Municipality’s Technical Department.

It is evident, especially during this post-pandemic period, that people have been very stressed and are unaware that it is actually due to stress that they are experiencing depression, anxiety and violent tendencies. It was wonderful to observe that through the breathing techniques they were able to reduce the stress and gain clarity of mind to recognise negative tendencies.

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Bike Run With A Purpose

It was an amazing weekend and an experience to remember. Bike Run With A Purpose are Rockstars when it comes to human value and uplifting community values.

Creating a one world Family through Diversity, this is South Africa.

Celebrating with a Purpose with the Children of Smitsville, and resident of Barrydale

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Our First Bike Run; 1 January 2022

New Year’s Day saw the jumpstart of  our Bikers With Purpose campaign – a monthly ride from Cape Town to a rural destination to support initiatives that address the root causes of violence, inequality, corruption, hunger and climate change. On 1 January, bikers from Cape Town, Switzerland and Swellendam drove along Route 62 to raise funds for Net Vir Pret, the only registered NPO in Barrydale. Net Vir Pret works to aid the development of 150 children who live in Smitsville.

Over 20 bikers came together at Lloyds on Route 62, who opened their beautiful restaurant for the event. The bikers opened their hearts and pockets to raise over R10,000 that will fund education programmes for children in Smitsville.

Children from the community danced and drummed their way into the hearts of the bikers, volunteers and guests, showcasing some of the important work that Net Vir Pret does in the area. After lunch, the bikers were treated to a tour of Smitsville by Conroy Williams, local policeman and active community member. Bikers visited the Net Vir Pret headquarters, where they discussed plans to plant trees and provide the community with resources for vegetable gardens. Net Vir Pret chief Peter Takeolo and manager Derek Joubert were recently awarded Gold Medals by UWC for their commitment to the youth of Barrydale and surrounding farming communities.

The 2nd ride of the year with monthly excursions planned from Cape Town to Barrydale. Our first event was on 1 January 2022 at Llyods on Route 62 where we raised over R10 000 for the support of education of rural children.

Date: 05 February 2022
Time: 09:00 – 16:00
Venue: The Country Pumpkin, Barrydale
Cost: FREE

More info: The Country Pumpkin Restaurant in Barrydale Western Cape offers a varied menu of breakfasts and exciting lunches, gift shop, farm stall, biltong and ice cream shop. With great indoor and outdoor seating, it’s rated one of the best stops on the R62.

Date: 05 February 2022
Time: 09:00
Venue: Engen N1 City, Cape Town
Cost: free

More info: Riders shall meet at the Engen Garage along the N1 and ride in convoy to Barrydale.

Bike Run 1 January

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IAHV’s aim to align itself with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS)

As many of you are aware IAHV frst received its United Nations NGO status through its incorporation in Geneva in 1997. IAHV is in consultative status with the Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOC) of theUnited Nations (UN), and participates in a variety of committees and activities, related to health and conflict resolution.

Internationally and as guided, IAHV’s aim is to align itself with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS).

Set forward by the United Nations (UN) in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) are a collection of 17 global goals aimed at improving the planet and the quality of human life around the world. The call-to-action for people worldwide is to address the critical areas of importance by 2030: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership. IAHV, as guided by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, will focus on these 5 key areas by adopting 7 of the 17 SDGS’s to execute as follows:

IAHV SA will begin the process of aligning all its project and programs to meet the above goals. In the coming months we will reect this on our website and project proposals, categorising all our programs & projects accordingly.

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School Bag and Sanitary Pad Drive 2021 – Packing and Distribution during COVID-19

In December 2021, the packing and distribution of hampers to disadvantaged children in the Klipgat region was rather different to previous years. With the pandemic still quite rife, we needed to ensure that we can still successfully reach the same amount of children, as we do annually, while still ensuring the safety of all volunteers and the children.

Through a large stream of donations that came through from a large number of people, we were able to secure great quality school bags, stationery, masks and liquid sanitizer for 800 disadvantaged children. We were also able to secure a supply of sanitary pads for girls who require them but may not always have access to them.

The packing was done with approximately 20 volunteers at the Shree Pretoria Hindu Seva Samaj premises on a Friday evening and the bags were distributed swiftly by a small group of volunteers on the Saturday morning in the Klipgat region.

Despite many challenges experienced, the initiative was a success yet again!

A special thanks to all those wonderful volunteers who assisted in packing until late on Friday night. Thanks to SPHSS for the use of the mini hall for this purpose.

A heartfelt thanks to the volunteers who assisted in the distribution at the two venues on Saturday and at the two schools on Monday.

A BIG THANK YOU to our generous donors. You have put a smile on the faces of 800 indigent children as well as 50 young ladies who received 3 months stock of sanitary pads as well as personal under garments. Your donations has ensured that the sanitary pads drive will be repeated for the next three quarters to the same young lasses, who will then in fact, receive sanitary pads supplies for a full year.

An extra special thanks goes out to Howard Shankman of Railway Furnishers, who generously donated all the stationery. Sanjay Govind for the school books. Balwant Parbhoo from Sea Breeze who donated 800 masks for the children, all of whom masked up before receiving their gifts, in line with Covid protocols, as well as to Anil Kalyan from Fine Art Printers for the donation of 800 adult masks. Not forgetting Shiraz Gani for the loan of his truck and driver to transport the bags to Klipgat and surrounds.

See you all next year!



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Sri Sri Feeding Scheme – Food Hampers

108 Food hampers were donated at the Cornubia Primary School, Amouti Primary School and Stanmore Primary School.

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Breath Water Sound in Barrydale

This was a first Breath Water Sound course for the Smitsville Community. The Youth in Barrydale have been going through an enormous amount of stress during COVID-19 with reports of a large number of them turning to drugs.

After meeting with the community and the Pastor at the AGS Church, we came together and rolled out our first BWS for youth.

We had 12 participants complete the course. They loved the yoga and breath work.

We had lunch each day with OK Foods Barrydale sponsoring 2 x chocolate cakes for the last day of graduation. We had a private sponsor for the meals and Mez Kitchen, Barrydale also sponsored soup for the youth on the first day.

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