
Mandela Day – Clean up with parolees & probationers

For Mandela Day, the IAHV extended its collaboration with the BWS parolees & probationers program, which saw the clean-up of a neglected site that will be turned into a park & community recreation area. The IAHV was provided with great assistance from Protea Plastics CC who supplied 2000 heavy duty black plastic bags & refreshments, SAPS Evaton who provided support, as well as BP garage who sponsored food for the team of 50 incredible volunteers.

The catalyst for the event was an ex inmate who supports his community after being inspired to take action after participating in our prison program a few years back at Department of Correctional Services – Groenpunt.

This is a start of many such initiatives that are being rolled out across the Vaal.


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Recycling initiative – KwaDabeka BWS

As a recycling initiative and prize and to encourage the Breath Water Sound follow-up group in KwaDabeka to recycle, our IAHV volunteers gifted the young boys in the group shin-guards for soccer.

They each collected a bag full of glass bottles and together, they even filled up the recycling bin!

The kids respond so well to incentives, it’s amazing! Everything is going well and growing well. We even managed to secure a soccer coach.  The kids are so enthusiastic! So after BWS follow ups,  the soccer coach Mr. Bongi meets the kids at the Wyebank grounds and we play soccer / rugby with them for an hour.

This also keeps the youngsters  off the streets and away from drugs.  They are motivated and sports is always a great alternative. We have also encouraged the boys yoga and meditation.

For more details contact: Ms. Thavakumari Tel +27 73 892 7029

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Tree planting at the Three Rivers Christian Academy

On 30th November, tree planting took place at the Three Rivers Christian Academy in Vereeniging organised by Annie Hannekom from the Groenpunt Correctional Services.  The trees were donated by IAHV.

Tree Planting

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DCS and IAHV Tree Planting

DCS ( Department Of Correctional  Services ) & IAHV ( International Association For Human Values )

TREE PLANTING – Friday 9th November 2018

The events were as follows :

🌳Started at Afrikaans Secondary School – Sasolburg

🌳Etienne Rossouw Theatre – Sasolburg

🌳Zamdela Library – Sasolburg

🌳Refengkotso Library @ Groenpunt Correctional Services

🌳Ending in Vanderbyl

Parolees, Probationers with Community members all participated in the tree planting.

DCS and IAHV Tree Planting

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Love Where You Live: Community Clean Up Initiative 6

‘Love Where You Live’ is our campaign aimed at raising community awareness towards the elimination of waste from Laudium’s streets. We are bringing members of the community together to clean up litter in public areas. As the project continues this will inspire the entire community to keep these areas clean. Our initiative strives to create a clean and hygienic public environment. This helps the community take pride in their space, contributes to a better state of mind and provides a stable base for building a strong community.

Our first clean up in 2018 took place at the Laudium CBD.  We cleaned an area that had become an illegal dumping ground between shops.  All manner of refuse was found. We continued around the shops to pick up further waste. Volunteers completed the morning by putting up signs which they had made to remind people of why we need to care for our Earth.

Many onlookers reminded us about the importance of what we hope to achieve. Visitors to Laudium, commended the volunteers on taking pride in where they live. The main focus of our initiative is the creation of the awareness of the benefits of living in a clean environment. We plan to achieve this through the support of our community. Most especially, our youth.

Worldwide, there is an urgent call for all people to be aware of waste and the effect on our environment. Do we know where our plastic straws go after we’ve finished our cold drinks? Or our cold drink cans? These are some of the things we are bringing awareness to and working towards finding solutions for. We look forward to further initiatives this year!

A special thanks to the City of Tshwane’s department of Waste Management for providing us with bin bags and waste removal services for 30-40 bags of garbage after the clean-up.

Join us to make a bigger difference at our next campaign – date and venue to be announced on our social media pages on Facebook and Instagram: @LoveWhereYouLive.Laudium or send an e-mail to LoveWhereYouLive.Laudium@gmail.com to be added to our database.


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