
Back to School Stationery | The Youth Village Project

The Youth Village Project in Soweto headed by project leader Aneshree Naidoo together with the support from donors and IAHV secured school stationary packs for 60 Primary and High Schools children at the Thabisang, Mbuyisa and Mzamo Primary Schools, and the Phefeni, Matsike and Kwa- Nsikane High Schools in Soweto.

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Back to School | Bike Run with a Purpose

Our children in Barrydale were blessed by the International Association for Human Values yesterday with the gift of 200 stationary sets and 40 items of new school clothing.

This was distributed to BF Oostehuzen school, Barrydale High School, Weltevrede Primary, Lemoenshoek Primary, Akkerbooom and Vleiplaas schools. The Principals and children were overjoyed and grateful for their stationary.

Without these donations our children’s lives would be far more challenging.  We say Thank you for our wonderful donations.

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Bike Run With A Purpose

Our volunteers together with the assistance from IAHV donated 150 cutlery, bowls and mugs to the children at Net Vir Pret in Barrydale. Furthermore, school uniforms, school shoes and stationery will be given to disadvantaged children at 6 different schools within the next 2 weeks.

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Obs Pasta Kitchen Valentine

At Obs Pasta Kitchen we serve a bowl to the homeless and needy every Wednesday @ 4:30pm – 6:00pm.  Grateful that our pasta kitchen is a space where everyone can tap into what’s on their heart.  Celebrating love was our theme.  Our 2 youngest members of our volunteer family, made a beautiful poster to raise some Valentine’s Day love donations !

[content written by Dani Saporetti]

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Christmas Lunch for the Lansdowne Community

A very big THANK YOU to all our generous donors and volunteers who made the Christmas Day Lunch for the homeless Lansdowne community such a huge success and heartwarming experience!!

We are overwhelmed by the generosity, kindness, and enthusiasm that made this project possible. We had 31 volunteers assist at the event with transporting goods, setting up, serving food, and gifting the community. Volunteers also cooked 160 meals which we served with cooldrink and treats. With the cash donations, we were able to purchase Yebo Fresh food packs containing non-perishable items as well as hygiene packs. We received a donation of an imported German Christmas tree which added to the festivities and they absolutely loved it!

The community were so grateful and appreciative. At the end of the event, some of their community members came together to thank the volunteers and said “As long as I’ve been staying here, you come every year, I’m so appreciative of what you do for us. We wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas. God bless you”

Thank you to everyone who contributed and touched the lives of this community. Our combined efforts brought joy and smiles to their faces and we couldn’t think of a better way to spend Christmas – see below link to the video on our Instagram page or attached if you don’t have an Instagram account.

Wishing you all a bright and beautiful 2023! Stay safe and happy 🙂

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Bike Run With A Purpose

IAHV sponsored the children of Barrydale Village for their annual Christmas Party. 250 children from our beautiful village of Barrydale were treated to a meal, cake, cool drink and chips. Net Vir Pret is a registered NPO situated in Smitsville, Barrydale and focus on the upliftment of children in the form of supervised homework each day, a meal for the children each day, art, pottery, dancing, yoga, singing and education into the Khoi culture and heritage.

Bikers with a Purpose have been supporting this project since its inception in 2021. The Net Vir Pret NPO survive on donations in order to feed and assist the children. It was a gift to put smiles on the face of 250 Children this morning and a huge “Thank You” to the donors for the party.

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Christmas party at Nirvana Havan Old Age Home

Nirvana Havan Old Age Home is located in Lenasia, Gauteng.  A Christmas party was held on Saturday 17 December 2022 for the Senior Citizens at the Home.  Dedicated volunteers prepared a delicious lunch for the Seniors and Xmas food hampers which compromised with basic food items and other critical supplies, were donated to the elders.  They were also entertained with some music

To the donors, project leaders, coordinators and volunteers, your generosity and efforts continue to inspire and reinforce the IAHV strategic goals and values.

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Sri Sri Feeding Scheme – December 2022

Volunteers had prepared hot meals, packed and distributed to the Jughroo Primary and Northview Primary Schools and at the Overcomers in Christ church in KZN.

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Utec Christmas Hampers

United Technical Equipment Co. (Pty) Ltd. (UTEC), Mr.Vernon Kistan the CEO of UTEC runs a Christmas Food Hamper Campaign every year.

1000 boxes of food hampers were packed and distributed to those in need.  UTEC distributes the food hampers to various Church groups, shelters and to many other destitute areas.

The Ikageng Itireleng People’s Centre in Orlando West, Soweto, was one of the beneficiary to receive the food hampers.

“A BIG Thank You for the 200 food parcels received as donation from you. The management of Ikageng wishes to express its deepest gratitude for the donation towards our nutrition support for HIV positive children, Youth headed households and other granny headed vulnerable families.

We always appreciate the support that your team is giving us, the difference you make in our community especially put smile on our beneficiaries face during this Christmas season where all families are enjoying and they had no one but you came and make their homes happy and warm homes.

We pride ourselves to be associated with a caring organisation based on fundamental principles of love and caring for others. On behalf of Ikageng Board members, Management, Staff and Beneficiaries at large we wish to thank you for the donation, which will ensure that the work we do continues to impact lives”.


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Sri Sri Feeding scheme

The Sri Sri Feeding scheme has prepared and distributed approximately 190 meals in this week.  Rice and potato curry was on the menu.  Over 150 prepacked meals were collected from Sanathan Suthsung Sabha in Clayfield, Phoenix KwaZulu-Natal and the rest was distributed via Anusha and Karan  Bhoora of Parkgate Pharmacy.


A letter of appreciation was received from the Northview Primary School in Phoenix, Durban and the School Governing Body.

“We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to you for the donation of 20 hampers for our indigent leaners.  Your charitable contribution to the school is much appreciated.  Without the support of the community and caring people like you, we would not be able to reach our goal.

Thank you once again for your generosity.  God richly bless your organisation.”

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