Lerato Feeding Scheme
Our 5th annual IAHV Project “Lerato Feeding Scheme” took place at the Lerato Educational Centre in Eikenhof, South of Johannesburg. Lerato Educational Centre s a non-government school for underprivileged children…
Breath Water Sound follow-ups with parolees & probationers at the Evaton SAPS and Evaton Sebokeng Zone 7
On Tuesday, 30 April 2019 another 2 Breath Water Sound follow-up sessions were held with parolees and probationers at the Evaton SAPS and Evaton Sebokeng Zone 7 area in the…
Breath Water Sound for parolees and probationers
Our first Breath Water Sound follow up took place in Sasolburg with a group of 35 parolees and probationers. They had completed the course in February 2019 with Prison Program…
Recycling initiative – KwaDabeka BWS
As a recycling initiative and prize and to encourage the Breath Water Sound follow-up group in KwaDabeka to recycle, our IAHV volunteers gifted the young boys in the group shin-guards…
Breath Water Sound in Laingsburg
17 Supervisors from the Community Work Programme in Laingsburg, Western Cape, completed the very first Breath Water Sound Program in the town, facilitated by VTP graduates Janishtha Gagjee and Vijay…
BWS at Barrington house
Barrington house in Observatory is a home towards dignity in Cape Town. Offering guests who have come out of primary rehabilitation a home to settle back into reality and find…
Breath Water Sound in collaboration with the Department of Correctional Services
The IAHV South Africa held a “first of its kind” Breath Water Sound (BWS) course in the Vaal Region; collaborating with the Department of Correctional Services, under the guidance of…
Breath-Water-Sound Sistahood Project
The team facilitated a Breath Water Sound workshop for the Sistahood Project in Imizamo Yethu in Hout Bay. It was a great pleasure to do a Breath Water Sound workshop…