Food Distribution

  • Stand For Humanity

    In this critical time of the Corona Pandemic, IAHV South Africa would like to stand with our most vulnerable and less fortunate communities. Many people are income compromised and are struggling to meet their daily essential needs.
    R229,761.00 donated
  • UTEC Xmas Hampers

    For many children and old people the daily requirements of food, clothing and shelter are more than precious commodities. With limited resources available to them, these children and elderly face each Xmas holiday season without much celebration and empty tummies.
    R0.00 donated
  • Siyaphambili Day Care and Pre-school (Eikenhof)

    This project is to provide meals for the kids. The school depends on donations and veggies they receive and cooks daily on the premises for the children. Volunteers from Lenasia sponsores groceries and vegetables and donated 300 masks.
    R508.00 donated
  • Obs Pasta Kitchen

    We are a weekly feeding scheme in Cape Town that offers support, community and a hot meal once a week. We also share lifeskills and healthy ways of dealing with stress with our guests, who are mostly homeless or unemployed. Our wellness programme, “WoW – Working on Wellness” (previously Working Wednesdays), is a life-changer programme for those ready to take the next steps.
    R18,350.00 donated