Your kind assistance is urgently needed with cleaning up operations, providing cooked food or any other relief efforts.
Drop off
Should you wish to donate food (canned food, veg etc.), blankets and foam mattresses etc. Please drop off at:
Nelson Mandela Youth Centre, Clive Pillay: +27(61) 429-2574
Umhlanga Hindu Society, Dr. Suran Lutchminarayan: +27 (79) 899-2892
Clayfield Temple, Veena Maharaj: +27 (83) 711-9580
1 Paradise Valley Drive, Paradise Business Park, Anita Haribhai: +27(82) 322-2324
17 Avonwold Dr Cowies Hill Westville, Previn Venketasen: +27(83) 578-6461
Contact: Shooks Dorasamy: +27 (83) 326 3783 / Michael Singh +27(83) 321 2901